Job Applications
Participating Groups
SwissMAP doctoral positions in HEP-TH, ETH Zurich, EPFL, U Geneva (Beisert, Broedel, Gaberdiel, Gorbenko, Karateev, Penedones, Seibold)
Deadline for full consideration: 1 March 2025 -
PhD Positions in Lattice Field Theories, ETH Zürich, Institute for Theoretical Physics, HPCP (Marina Marinkovic)
for full consideration, please submit application until June 10, 2024
Application for the above groups involves several steps:
- Click on the below button ‘register new application’ and provide your contact information.
You will then receive an email with a link to log into the system. There you should perform the following steps in any desired order at any time:
- Provide additional data.
- Upload application documents.
- Specify reference writers.
- Apply to some of the above groups.
Please note that your application will be considered only after completing the last step (button ‘apply to groups’).